• 张妍
  • 来源于: 
    发布时间: 2022年03月04日




一、 联系方式




二、 个人简历

2022.09-至今    东北农业大学    园艺园林学院        教授

2019.09-2022.08   东北农业大学    园艺园林学院        副教授

2018.09-2019.08   东北农业大学    园艺园林学院        讲师

2013.08-2017.08   新加坡国立大学  食品科学与技术学院  博士

2011.09-2013.06   东北农业大学    食品学院            硕士

2007.09-2011.06   东北农业大学    食品学院            学士

三、 主要社会兼职

2021-至今   寒地小浆果开发利用国家地方联合工程研究中心,副主任

2021-至今   黑龙江省寒地小浆果种质资源创新与利用重点实验室,副主任

2022-至今   第四届黑龙江省青年科技工作者协会(省青科协),会员

2023-至今  中国农学会食物与营养专业委员会,委员

2023-至今  中国食品科学技术学会,会员

2018-至今   中国园艺学会小浆果分会,委员

2022-至今  黑龙江省欧美同学会,会员

2023-至今  哈尔滨市欧美同学会,会员

2023-至今  Food Innovation and Advances,青年编委

2023-至今  食品工业科技,青年编委

2023-至今  Foods,客座编辑

2023-至今  Molecules,客座编辑

2024-至今  International Journal of Molecular Sciences,客座编辑


四、 教学工作

在教学方面,承担2项教学项目,发表3篇教改论文;讲授5门本科生课程:《园艺作物采后生理与贮运加工》、《园艺产品功能成分》、《科研论文写作》、《专业文献查阅实训》和《设施专业认知实践》,以及2门硕士研究生课程:Nutrition and health of small fruit 小浆果营养与健康(全英文课程)》和《果蔬贮藏技术》。并积极参与大学生食品创新设计竞赛指导工作,指导学生参加SIPT项目、互联网+”大学生创新创业大赛等,2019年获得第四届全国大学生生命科学创新创业大赛三等奖,第五届黑龙江省互联网+”大学生创新创业大赛铜奖等。


五、 科研与成果

在科研方面,主持国家及省部级等项目/课题共16项,主要包括:国自然面上项目青年基金十三五国家重点研发计划子课题、十四五国家重点研发计划子课题、人社部高层次留学人才回国资助、教育部春晖计划项目、黑龙江省自然科学基金优秀青年项目、黑龙江省人社厅留学回国人员择优资助等。已发表SCI论文40篇,其中中科院一区SCI论文34篇,入选ESI全球前1%高被引论文3篇和ESI热点论文2篇,H-index 21,总1500余次。并在国际著名学术出版机构ElsevierWiley出版2篇英文著作,在科学出版社出版1部中文专著。获得授权国家发明专利3项。




(1) 国家自然科学基金面上项目

(2) 国家自然科学基金青年基金

(3) 国家人社部高层次留学人才

(4) 国家科技部重点研发计划子课题

(5) 国家教育部春晖计划项目

(6) 黑龙江省优秀青年科学基金

(7) 黑龙江省留学回国人员择优资助

(8) 黑龙江省青年创新人才培养计划

(9) 中国博士后面上项目

(10) 黑龙江省博士后特别资助

(11) 黑龙江省博士后面上项目

(12) 黑龙江省应用技术研究与开发计划项目子课题

(13) 北京食品营养与人类健康高精尖创新中心基金

(14) 农业部东北地区园艺作物生物学与种质创制重点实验室开放课题

(15) 东北农业大学ESI学科提升计划项目

(16) 东北农业大学东农学者计划项目青年才俊学术骨干


(1) Junran Feng, Yu Zhao, Lianzhou Jiang, Yan Zhang*, Xiaonan Sui* (2023). The effect of Hofmeister series anions on the critical overlap concentration of soybean isolate protein, Food Hydrocolloids, 109577.

(2) Guancheng Shan, Zejian Xu, Lianzhou Jiang, Yan Zhang*, Xiaonan Sui* (2024). Fabrication and characterization of glycerin-plasticized soy protein amyloid fibril scaffolds by unidirectional freeze casting method, Food Hydrocolloids, 109400.

(3) Zhen Xiao#, Dalong Li#, Dejian Huang, Junwei Huo*, Haixia Wu*, Xiaonan Sui, Yan Zhang* (2023). Non-extractable polyphenols from blue honeysuckle fruit pomace with strong antioxidant capacity: Extraction, characterization, and their antioxidant capacity, Food Research International, 174: 113495.

(4) Xing Wang, Tian Lan, Manzhe Jin, Yabo Dong, Jiajia Shi, Zejian Xu, Lianzhou Jiang, Yan Zhang*, Xiaonan Sui* (2023). Impact of metal-phenolic networks on the structural and functional properties of soy protein, Food Hydrocolloids, 109019.

(5) Lei Wang, Jiayu Wen, Luying Wang, Lianzhou Jiang, Yan Zhang*, Xiaonan Sui* (2023). Characterization of the extreme pH-induced molten globule state of soy protein isolate and its influence on functional properties, Food Hydrocolloids, 109040.

(6) Junwei Huo, Yana Ni, Dalong Li, Jinli Qiao, Dejian Huang, Xiaonan Sui, Yan Zhang* (2023). Comprehensive structural analysis of polyphenols and their enzymatic inhibition activities and antioxidant capacity of black mulberry (Morus nigra L.), Food Chemistry, 136605.

(7) Meng Zhang, Xiumei Ma, Zhen Xiao, Ao Sun, Mengchen Zhao, Yaru Wang, Dejian Huang, Xiaonan Sui, Junwei Huo*, Yan Zhang* (2023). Polyphenols in twenty cultivars of blue honeysuckle (Lonicera caerulea L.): Profiling, antioxidant capacity, and α-amylase inhibitory activity, Food Chemistry, 136148.

(8) Jiayue Wang, Zejian Xu, Lianzhou Jiang, Yan Zhang*, Xiaonan Sui* (2023). Further evaluation on structural and antioxidant capacities of soy protein isolate under multiple freeze-thaw cycles, Food Chemistry: X, 17: 100574.

(9) Guo Huang, Hainan Jin, Guichen Liu, Shuyuan Yang, Lianzhou Jiang, Yan Zhang*, Xiaonan Sui* (2022). An insight into the changes in conformation and emulsifying properties of soy β-conglycinin and glycinin as affected by EGCG: Multi-spectral analysis, Food Chemistry, 133484.

(10) Wei Dou, Xin Zhang, Yu Zhao, Yan Zhang*, Lianzhou Jiang*, Xiaonan Sui* (2022). High moisture extrusion cooking on soy proteins: Importance influence of gums on promoting the fiber formation, Food Research International, 111189.

(11) Yan Zhang, Dalong Li, Jinli Qiao, Yana Ni, Pei Liu, Dejian Huang, Junwei Huo* (2022). Structure, degree of polymerization, and starch hydrolase inhibition activities of bird cherry (Prunus padus) proanthocyanidins, Food Chemistry, 132588.

(12) Yabo Dong, Tian Lan, Guo Huang, Lianzhou Jiang, Yan Zhang*, Xiaonan Sui (2021). Development and characterization of nanoparticles formed by soy peptide aggregate and epigallocatechin-3-gallate as an emulsion stabilizer, LWT-Food Science and Technology, 152: 112385.

(13) Yan Zhang, Tianyi Zhang, Yan Liang, Lianzhou Jiang*, Xiaonan Sui* (2021). Dietary bioactive lipids: A review on absorption, metabolism and health propertiesJournal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 69(32), 8929-8943.

(14) Jiayu Wen#, Yan Zhang#, Hainan Jin, Xiaonan Sui*, Lianzhou Jiang* (2020). Deciphering the structural network that confers stability to high internal phase Pickering emulsions by crosslinked soy protein microgels and their in vitro digestion profiles, Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 68(36): 9796-9803.

(15) Tian Lan, Yabo Dong, Miao Zheng, Lianzhou Jiang, Yan Zhang*, Xiaonan Sui (2020) Complexation between soy peptides and epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG): Formation mechanism and morphological characterization, LWT-Food Science and Technology, 134: 109990.

(16) Yan Zhang, Robert Wibisana Santosa, Min Zhang*, Junwei Huo*, Dejian Huang* (2020). Characterization and bioactivity of proanthocyanidins during Malay cherry (Lepisanthes alata) fruit ripening, Food Bioscience, 36:100617.

(17) Yan Zhang, Shufei Chen, Junwei Huo*, Dejian Huang* (2019). Deciphering the nutritive and antioxidant properties of Malay cherry (Lepisanthes alata) fruit dominated by ripening effects, RSC Advances, 9: 38065-38076.

(18) Jian Ding, Jiayu Wen, Jiayue Wang, Ran Tian, Liangli Yu, Lianzhou Jiang, Yan Zhang*, Xiaonan Sui (2020). The physicochemical properties and gastrointestinal fate of oleosomes from non-heated and heated soymilk, Food Hydrocolloids, 100: 105418.

(19) Mengnan Ju, Gang Zhu, Guo Huang, Xinchun Shen, Yan Zhang*, Lianzhou Jiang, Xiaonan Sui (2020). A novel Pickering emulsion produced using soy protein-anthocyanin complex nanoparticles, Food Hydrocolloids, 99: 105329.

(20) Jian Ding, Zejian Xu, Baokun Qi, Zongzhong Liu, Liangli Yu, Yan Zhang*, Lianzhou Jiang, Xiaonan Sui (2020). Thermally treated soya bean oleosomes: the changes in their stability and associated proteins, International Journal of Food Science and Technology, 55(1): 229-238.

(21) Jian Ding, Zejian Xu, Baokun Qi, Shouqi Cui, Tong Wang, Lianzhou Jiang, Yan Zhang*, Xiaonan Sui (2019). Fabrication and characterization of soybean oil bodies encapsulated in maltodextrin and chitosan-EGCG conjugates: An in vitro digestibility study. Food Hydrocolloids, 94: 519-527.

(22) Lianzhou Jiang, Yingjie Liu, Liang Li, Baokun Qi, Mengnan Ju, Yue Xu, Yan Zhang*, Xiaonan Sui (2019). Covalent conjugates of anthocyanins to soy protein: Unravelling their structure features and in vitro gastrointestinal digestion fate. Food Research International, 120, 603-609.

(23) Yan Zhang, Si Chen, Baokun Qi, Xiaonan Sui*, Lianzhou Jiang* (2018). Complexation of thermally-denatured soybean protein isolate with anthocyanins and its effect on the protein structure and in vitro digestibility, Food Research International, 106: 619-625.

(24) Zhang YanSui XiaonanHuang Dejian*(2017). Mitigating the in vitro enzymatic digestibility of noodles by aqueous extracts of Malay cherry leaves. Food Chemistry, 232571-578.

(25) Yan Zhang, Yuyang Gui, Dejian Huang*, (2017) Impact of maturity of Malay cherry (Lepisanthes alata) leaves on the inhibitory activity of starch hydrolases, Molecules, 22(6): 873.

(26) Yan Zhang, Adeline Ik Chian Wong, Ji'en Wu, Nura Binte Abdul Karim, Dejian Huang*, (2016) Lepisanthes alata (Malay cherry) leaves are potent inhibitors of starch hydrolases due to proanthocyanidins with high degree of polymerization, Journal of Functional Foods, 25: 568-578.

(27) Yang Li#, Yan Zhang#, Xiaonan Sui, Yana Zhang, Hongxia Feng, Lianzhou Jiang* (2014). Ultrasound-assisted aqueous enzymatic extraction of oil from perilla (Perilla frutescens L.) seeds, CyTA-Journal of Food, 12, 16-21.

(28) Yang Li#, Yan Zhang#, Mei Wang, Lianzhou Jiang*, Xiaonan Sui* (2013). Simplex-centroid mixture design applied to the aqueous enzymatic extraction of fatty acid-balanced oil from mixed seeds, Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society, 90, 349-357.

(29) Qin Zhang#, Ping Sun#, Zejian Xu, Wenwen Qu, Yan Zhang, Xiaonan Sui* (2024). Chitin nanocrystals as natural gel modifier for yielding strongeracid-induced soy protein isolate gel, Carbohydrate Polymers, 121446.

(30) Tianyi Zhang, Xin Zhang, Manzhe Jin, Yan Zhang, Lianzhou Jiang, Xiaonan Sui* (2023). Parameter control, characterization and stability of soy protein emulsion prepared by microfluidic technology, Food Chemistry, 136689.

(31) Ping Sun, Qin Zhang, Yu Zhao, Dongshun Zhao, Xiaohui Zhao, Lianzhou Jiang, Yan Zhang, Fei Wu*, Xiaonan Sui* (2023). Improving gel properties of soy protein isolate through alkaline pH-shifting, mild heat treatment, and TGase cross-linking, Food Hydrocolloids, 144: 108924.

(32) Guo Huang, Guichen Liu, Zejian Xu, Lianzhou Jiang, Yan Zhang, Xiaonan Sui* (2023). Stability, rheological behavior and microstructure of Pickering emulsions co-stabilized by soy protein and carboxymethyl chitosan, Food Hydrocolloids, 108773.

(33) Tianyi Zhang, Wei Dou, Xin Zhang, Yu Zhao, Yan Zhang, Lianzhou Jiang, Xiaonan Sui* (2021). The development history and recent updates on soy protein-based meat alternatives, Trends in Food Science & Technology, 109: 702-710.

(34) Xin Zhang, Yu Zhao, Tianyi Zhang, Yan Zhang, Lianzhou Jiang*, Xiaonan Sui* (2022). High moisture extrusion of soy protein and wheat gluten blend: An underlying mechanism for the formation of fibrous structures, LWT-Food Science and Technology, 113561.

(35) Zejian Xu, Guancheng Shan, Nairong Hao, Lianwei Li, Tian Lan, Yabo Dong, Jiayu Wen, Ran Tian, Yan Zhang, Lianzhou Jiang*, Xiaonan Sui* (2022). Structure remodeling of soy protein-derived amyloid fibrils mediated by epigallocatechin-3-gallate, Biomaterials, 283: 121455.

(36) Zejian Xu, Nairong Hao, Lianwei Li, Yan Zhang, Liangli Yu, Lianzhou Jiang*, Xiaonan Sui* (2019). Valorization of soy whey wastewater: how epigallocatechin-3-gallate regulates protein precipitation, ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 7: 15504-15513.

(37) Ran Tian, Junran Feng, Guo Huang, Bo Tian, Yan Zhang, Lianzhou Jiang, Xiaonan Sui* (2020). Ultrasound driven conformational and physicochemical changes of soy protein hydrolysates, Ultrasonics Sonochemistry, 68:105202.

(38) Yabo Dong, Tian Lan, Xin Wang, Yan Zhang, Lianzhou Jiang, XiaonanSui* (2020). Preparation and characterization of soy protein microspheres using amorphous calcium carbonate cores, Food Hydrocolloids, 107: 105953.

(39) Xiaonan Sui, Yan Zhang, Weibiao Zhou* (2016). In vitro and in silico studies of the inhibition activity of anthocyanins against porcine pancreatic α-amylase, Journal of Functional Foods, 21: 50-57.

(40) Xiaonan Sui, Yan Zhang, Weibiao Zhou* (2016). Bread fortified with anthocyanin-rich extract from black rice as nutraceutical sources: Its quality attributes and in vitro digestibility, Food Chemistry, 196: 910-916.

(41) Pei Liu#, Huixin Gang#, Huayu Liu, Dong Qin*, Yan Zhang, Junwei Huo* (2020). Regulation of anthocyanin accumulation by a transcription factor LcTT8 from Lonicera caerulea L., Plant Molecular Biology Reporter, 39: 125-136.

(42) Yang Li#, Xiaonan Sui#, Baokun Qi, Yan Zhang, Hongxia Feng, Yana Zhang, Lianzhou Jiang*, Tong Wang (2014). Optimization of ethanol-ultrasound-assisted destabilization of a cream recovered from enzymatic extraction of soybean oil, Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society, 91: 159-168.

(43) Hongxia Feng#, Xiaonan Sui#, Yunhe Chang, Baokun Qi, Yan Zhang, Yang Li*, Lianzhou Jiang* (2014). Effect of extruding full-fat soy flakes on trans fat content, The Scientific World Journal, 2014: 427423.

(44) 乔锦莉,秦栋,郭良川,费小辉,张妍*,霍俊伟*. 蓝果忍冬的生物活性物质及其功效研究进展,食品科学,202041(09)276-284.

(45) 董亚博,兰天,付元涛,孙书镜,李萌,江连洲,隋晓楠,张妍*. 大豆蛋白肽聚集体与EGCG复合纳米颗粒及其对乳液特性的研究,食品科学,20212021-07-27.

(46) 乔锦莉,张妍,刘佩,郭良川,霍俊伟*. 野生蓝果忍冬多酚鉴定及其抗氧化、降血糖活性,食品科学,202142(11)47-55.

(47) 霍俊伟,郭文荣,乔锦莉,秦栋,刘红蕾,姚月英,张妍*白穗醋栗多酚鉴定及其抗氧化活性分析,食品科学,2023, 44(8): 219-227.

(48) 李杨,冯红霞,王欢,隋晓楠,张妍,孙培玲,张雅娜,江连洲*. 超声波辅助水酶法提取红花籽油的工艺研究,中国粮油学报,201429(07)63-67.

(49) 李杨,张雅娜,王欢,冯红霞,王心刚,张妍,隋晓楠,江连洲*. 水酶法提取大豆油与其他不同种大豆油品质差异研究,中国粮油学报,201429(06)46-52.

(50) 朱冠冰,乔锦莉,呼延文静,刘佩,张妍*,霍俊伟*. 漠河蓝果忍冬多酚成分鉴定及其体外生物活性分析,食品与发酵工业,202147(24)48-55.

(51) 祝钢,鞠梦楠,崔守琦,李梦竹,罗小雪,隋晓楠,张妍*. 大豆蛋白/表没食子儿茶素没食子酸酯纳米复合颗粒制备Pickering乳液及其性质研究,食品科技,202045(09)221-226.

(52) 刘佩,谢佳璇,秦栋,刘化禹,马小雯,张妍*,霍俊伟*. 五种寒地果树果实的多酚含量、抗氧化活性及抗α淀粉酶活性分析,食品工业科技,202041(04)282-288.

(53) 董亚博,兰天,赵俊娜,江连洲,隋晓楠,张妍*. 基于CaCO3模板制备大豆蛋白微球及槲皮素的体外释放研究,食品与发酵工业,202147(17)161-165.

(54) 张妍,李杨,江连洲*,隋晓楠,冯红霞,张雅娜. 响应面法优化超声辅助水酶法提取菜籽油脂工艺参数及酶种类对油脂提取效果的影响,食品工业科技, 201312209-212+215.

(55) 谢佳璇,张妍,秦栋,刘佩,刘化禹,霍俊伟*. 蓝果忍冬不同发育时期叶片类黄酮化合物及抗氧化活性分析,西北农林科技大学学报(自然科学版)201947(11)87-95.

(56) 张雅娜,王妍,王欢,李杨,张妍,江连洲*,隋晓楠,潘立炜. 加热对大豆油品质特性的影响,食品工业科技,20132373-79.

(57) 刘化禹,娄爽,秦栋,张妍,谢佳璇,霍俊伟*. 蓝果忍冬果柄离区形成中内源激素含量与细胞壁相关酶活性的变化特征,西北植物学报,201939(01)110-120.

(58) 孙小娟,刘庆帅,员盎然,张妍,霍俊伟*,秦栋*,姜婷. 黑穗醋栗果实生长发育过程中抗坏血酸含量及相关酶活性的变化,中国农业科学,201952(01)98-110.

(59) 张雅娜,李杨,江连洲*,王妍,张妍,冯红霞,隋晓楠. 紫苏乳状液酶解破乳工艺的研究,食品工业科技,201334(04)201-206+211.

(60) 员盎然,孙小娟,马小雯,高静,谢禛名,张妍,秦栋*,霍俊伟*. GA 3ABA对黑穗醋栗二次萌芽总酚含量及代谢酶活性的影响,南方农业学报,201950(06)1263-1270.


(1) 小浆果果品营养学(2020),霍俊伟,张妍主编,科学出版社,ISBN 978-7-03-062750-6.

(2) Chapter 31: Grain and Grain Products Safety (2017), Xiaonan Sui, Yan Zhang, Zhongjiang Wang, Baokun Qi, Yang Li, Lianzhou Jiang, Wiley, ISBN 978-1-119-23796-9.

(3) Anthocyanins in Food (2018), Xiaonan Sui, Yan Zhang, Lianzhou Jiang, Weibiao Zhou, Elsevier, ISBN 978-0-12-814026-0.


1. 一种蓝果忍冬中提取矢车菊素-3-葡萄糖苷的方法(排名:1/62022年)

2. 马来樱桃叶提取物、其制备方法及其在制备能量缓释的食品中的应用 (排名:2/52017年)

3. 一种从大豆中同步提取油脂和高乳化性分离蛋白的方法 (排名:5/72013年)

六、 主要研究方向
